This is a Deep Tissue massage, except with the feet. Ashiatsu is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist delivers deep broad pressure with their feet. The broad pressure is easier for the client to receive verses a pointy elbow or thumb that is used in a deep tissue massage. With Ashiatsu the pressure can be adjusted if needed. If the pressure is ever too much or too little it is a easy to modify during your session. One hour of Ashiatsu is equivalent to two hours of a Swedish deep tissue. This is because the therapist is able to work with a larger surface area therefore; increasing circulation of blood, lymph, lactic acid and toxins. Book your Ashiatsu appointment today! Still unsure about Ashiatsu? You are always welcome to try a combination of both Ashiatsu and Deep Tissue. 97% of clients at Northwest Sole Massages receive Ashiatsu Massage.
60 min Therapeutic Ashiatsu - $120
90 min Therapeutic Ashiatsu - $150
For those looking to relax, this is the treatment for you! A Fusion massage is the best of all three worlds. It is a combination of Hot Stones, Ashiatsu and Deep Tissue. This treatment begins with a application of hot stones to warm up sore and achy muscles. After the tissue has warmed up and begun to relax. Your therapist will use the combination of Ashiatsu, Deep Tissue and hot stones to work out the specific aches and pains the body has.
90 min Therapeutic Fusion - $170
Deep Tissue
Deep tissue massage focuses on stretching fascia, a connective tissue that supports all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs in the body. Deep tissue massage works layer by layer through the connective tissue. Adhesions and scar tissue form in muscles because of injury, chronic poor posture, inflammation and repetitive motions. During a deep tissue massage, the therapist uses their fingers, thumbs, fists, forearms and elbows to stretch the fascia layer. Are you wanting the benefits of a deep tissue massage but dislike the specific pressure of a bony elbow? Try an Ashiatsu massage where the therapist uses their feet to deliver a broader pressure to work adhesions.
60 min Therapeutic Deep Tissue - $120
90 min Therapeutic Deep Tissue - $150
* All sessions can be customized for each clients needs. Optimal sessions may include combinations of Ashiatsu, Deep Tissue, Cupping, Gua Sha, Trigger Point or Hot Stone massage techniques. During your intake with Whitney you will discuss a optimal treatment plan best suited for you*
Please note Northwest Sole Massage does not accept insurance or motor vehicles accident claims.